Tag Archives: life

Why Do You Need Life Insurance?

16 Feb

No one wants to leave their family unprepared for the future. Planning today can protect the promise of your family’s tomorrow. Following are some of the reasons why you should consider life insurance from me.

To Replace Lost Income.
Most people buy life insurance as a means to replace income lost if something happens to them. Providing money for survivors is important. Life insurance is the most cost effective way to do it.

To Pay Off Debt.
Debt can be very burdensome to your family, especially without your income available to help repay it. Life insurance can be used to pay off debt and help create more financial security for your family.

To Pay Final Expenses and Offer an Emergency Fund.
Final expenses can be very significant, especially if there are large medical bills, funeral or legal expenses to pay. An emergency fund can cover unexpected bills such as emergency repairs to your home or car. Life insurance provides cash that can be used to help your family cope in a time of distress.

To Help Pay for Your Children’s Education.
Educating children can be expensive and often requires a long-term strategy. Many people plan to contribute funds each year until they have enough money saved to pay all or some of their children’s education costs. Unfortunately if something unexpectedly happens to you, there may not be enough time to set aside adequate funds for education. Life insurance can help by creating a lump-sum of cash that you can count on to help pay part of your children’s education costs.

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Invest in Your Kids

12 Feb

It’s never too early to begin building a secure future. Give your child or grandchild a head start with life with an insurance policy that grows with them – $20,000 in coverage for $45 a YEAR; for kids ages 0 – 24. Click here to cover your child or grandchild: http://jjconsults.com/junior-estate-builder or call Jackie at 205-378-9352.

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Invest in your kids